10 Simple Leadership Tips for a New Semester

Arliss Dickerson
Arliss Dickerson, a seasoned campus minister and leadership consultant, shares 10 simple leadership tips for those ministering to college students.
1.  Never be sloppy with ministry money; avoid even the appearance of questionable actions.
2.  Recognize and wisely use different times of the day, week, month and semester (Enlistment time, slow time which equals paperwork and planning, etc, etc).
3.  Never quit changing and never change just to change (you or the ministry).
4.  Never ever, never stoop to just being a student’s buddy.
5.  Remember, you are the face of your ministry….fairly or unfairly, your ministry is judged by who you are.
6.  Always listen to others ideas and suggestions.  Make sure they know you listen.
7.  Make sure you have a personal ministry and then a ministry larger than you that you oversee and lead.
8.  Walk across the campus and through the Student Center every day.
9.  Hold student leaders accountable to their commitments…..and….give second chances.
10. Be at the Collegiate Summit (for College Ministry Leaders…both professional and volunteer) in Nashville, April 29-May 1.

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