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5 Reasons Why ForColumbus Could be Your Best Play of 2015

True or false?: “The success of your ministry year generally hinges on 2-3 key decisions you make during the year.” Whether planned “on the fly” or with the utmost “intentionality,” the evidence screams “TRUE! TRUE!” You may disagree, but historic proof (see the Paretto principle or “the 80/20 rule”) and current research (see “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown) both point to the reality that whether you win or lose or succeed or flop during your ministry year, it normally boils down to two or three key moves you make as a leader.ForColumbus


Some of those moves are deciding on a routine, like planning your schedule wisely, creating margin for disciple making, cultivating key leaders, and sharing the gospel regularly. Other decisions are one time actions or “one-and-done” projects that result in high yields for you and your students. This summer (June 7-17) the Baptist Collegiate Ministry Network (BCNet) is offering a “one-and-done” short-term summer project that will be a game changer, a “brilliant bold move” if you will, for your ministry. Let us give you the reasons why:


  1. Synergy + Energy – There is something synergizing and energizing about college students coming together from across the country to leverage their lives for the gospel collectively. It gives them a bigger view of the world and a broader understudying of the task to which they are called.
  2. Design + Content – We’ve designed ForColumbus around a) strong teaching content, b) immediate missional application, and c) tall asks. Students will hear from local church planters (x5) who’ve launched from scratch and grown churches to ranging in size from 400 to 1,800 over the last decade. Students will engage a variety of ethnicities, and they will be given hands on opportunities to engage in evangelism, disciple making, and church planting.
  3. Cost to Benefit Ratio – The cost is $200/person. That includes worship and teaching on campus at Ohio State, devotional content, 25 meals, lodging, mission projects and t-shirts (x2). You cover transport to/from Columbus, on site transportation for the week and five meals for your students. ForColumbus has been designed to be low cost, and we’ve pulled in partners and investors nationally who believe in the city, the projects, and the students you bring.
  4. Return on Investment – 10 days may seem like a big chunk of time in the summer, but think about it for a moment. If, in a 10 day window, students see a vision and a script for ministry multiplication that translates to investment back into their campus and community, and they are compelled to leverage their lives fully for the rest of college and beyond—everybody wins.
  5. The Immediate Ask – All participants coming to ForColumbus will be asked to be a church planter or serve on a church planting team for 2-5 years immediately after they graduate from college. Our goal is to see 10% of those who take part in ForColumbus plant their lives in the city. For the remaining 90%, we’ve been praying that they will go back to your campus community, a city in your state or another city in North America and live that same commitment.


Please give some time to considering for a summer mission project this summer. We think it will be one of the best decisions you make this year!


Video clips on ForColumbus:


Registration & ForColumbus Story:


Promotional Postcard:  ForColumbus_Postcard


Church Planting Team

Baptist Collegiate Ministry Network (BCNet)

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