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8 Key People to Know on Your Campus

Stacy Murphree
College students pose standing around sign on campus

Although every campus is different in size and culture, these are general “key holders” to your campus that will positively impact your ability to build relationships across your campus. Even though our primary objection is to reach students through evangelism and discipleship, God has given us an entire campus community full of administrators, staff, faculty, and athletic coaches to invest in and live life on mission with. 

1. University President:

Meeting with the President of the school gives you a chance to hear their vision for the campus, as well as ways that you can get involved and support them. This also gives you a chance to share about your ministry, and how you hope to be a positive part of campus life. 

2. Counseling Center:

In a time where we are on the frontlines of assisting students with mental, emotional and spiritual health, this is so crucial. Who are the professional counselors on your campus? What services do they offer that you can be familiar with for students who may need help?

3. VP/Director of Student Affairs:

In most university structures this person is a major key holder or gateway person over student life and religious life. In many cases where our campus ministry is a registered student organization, we want to be good stewards of that in how we support our university as a student org. 

4. Greek Life Coordinator:

Building a relationship with this individual can be a big win in reaching and connecting to Greek organizations on campus. We’ve been able to help out during sorority recruitment by providing meals and snacks. 

5. Athletic Coaches:

This can be so helpful in reaching athletes and being able to minister to them in unique ways by providing meals or other kinds of support.

6. International Student Coordinator:

Who is the person on your campus responsible for international students coming to your university as exchange students, athletes, or even for an English learning program. You can partner with them in a variety of ways: helping them with airport pickups, providing needed items for students’ dorm rooms once they arrive, etc.  

7. Professors:

These are often the most underappreciated people on campus. Teach your students to love your professors. Find ways to support them and encourage them.

8. Other Campus Ministers:

Practice unity and learning from other campus ministers on your campus. Can you find a regular time to pray over the campus with them? What are ways you can encourage each other? 

This is not an exhaustive list, but it is a place to get started. Pray for these leaders and pray for ways to meet them and serve them!

Stacy Murphree is a Collegiate Ministry Specialist at  Austin Peay State University in Tennessee. You can follow the ministry on Instagram @austinpeaybcm.

This information was shared during a New Minister Call, which is a monthly Zoom meeting for Campus ministers who have been serving for 3 years or less, either for the first time or at a new campus. Our next call is Wednesday, February 21 and the topic is Infusing Fun: Building Fun and Community in Your Campus Ministry. Sign up here to join!

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