A Peek at Collegiate Week

Bill Noe


By Bill Noe

Collegiate Week 2016 is about to begin! In a few short days (Aug. 7th), approximately 1,800 college students will travel to Glorieta, NM for a week filled with amazing teaching, impactful worship, relevant breakouts, and LOTS of late-night Collegiate Week fun. We’re grateful to have Timothy Ateek and Rush of Fools leading us this year. Other highlights will include a block party, giant outdoor picnic, lip-sync battle, and a movie on the lawn … all while getting to know many other college students and leaders who are also passionately seeking to follow Christ.

This year’s theme will be “WHAT IF…?”. There are many WHAT IF questions that could be asked, but at Collegiate Week, we will be hearing from speakers who will share about their experiences taking the gospel to some of the biggest social justice needs on the globe.  So, Collegiate Week will encourage students to ask WHAT IF they took a step of obedience to minister to a life impacted by sex trafficking, poverty, immigration, or the void of one or both parents.  WHAT IF college students also took the gospel into those deep, cavernous needs?  After all, that is ultimately the only hope any of us have.  Please join us in prayer that students and leaders at Collegiate Week will each be sensitive to the call of the Spirit during the week as He calls each person to engage this broken world with the gospel.

If you’ve missed the opportunity to join us this year, I hope you’ll join us next summer, Aug. 5-9, 2017, for another great Collegiate Week.  Registration opens soon HERE!

Bill Noe is a former campus minister and currently an event coordinator for LifeWay Young Adults and LifeWay Men. You can reach Bill at [email protected].

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