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Adam York

Two students, one in graduation gown with honors cords and medals, pose in front of academic building on college campus

From Freshman to Missionary: Mobilization Pathways

Have you experienced the joy that comes from watching graduating seniors step out into the world and walk confidently into great commission living? There’s nothing quite like it! Each individual’s journey of faith is as different as our fingerprints. Though each journey is unique, we have found that engaging students in the following pathways yields

From Freshman to Missionary: Mobilization Pathways Read More »

Six college students sit in booth together at pizza restaurant

Finding and Equipping Your Campus Ministry Interns

Do you have the ability to recruit recent graduates to join your campus ministry staff? Wonderful! Recruiting young campus missionaries or interns is a double win. First, a growing team allows you to engage more of your campus with the gospel. Second, mentoring these young staff helps shape them into lifelong disciple-makers, ministers, and missionaries.

Finding and Equipping Your Campus Ministry Interns Read More »

International and American students pose for a picture inside a home

Connecting with International Students during Easter 

As international students step onto college campuses, they are taking in all the sights and sounds of a new place. They are figuring out where to hang out, where they belong, and learning different customs. International students anticipate learning new things about a new place and culture. They want to learn and connect with others.

Connecting with International Students during Easter  Read More »