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Teresa Royall, Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) Director, Georgia State University

One of our desires as a BCNet Evangelism Committee is to provide collegiate directors with ideas for evangelism on their campus. We have provided ideas in four categories: First Contact, Conversational Outreach, Community Integration, and Gospel Proclamation. We hope that the following Community Integration event will be useful to you and your students!


Many students like to make videos to share with others.  A meaningful way to reach out to fellow students with the gospel message is through video. To host a BCMMY, you will need the following:

  • Ability to show the videos to the audience
  • Red carpet
  • Emcee/s
  • Photo Booth props 
  • Someone to work the photo booth
  • Awards/certificates for winners
  • Judges
  • Room set up for audience to view the videos
  • Refreshments


Before the event, enlist videos to be entered into BCMMYs. Encourage a few Christian students to join together and invite their seeking friends to create a video with them. This is an excellent time to encourage your students in relational evangelism! Some of the students who may attend the BCMMYs might not typically set foot in your ministry building or event. Set a tone at your BCMMYs event that fosters friendships between believers and not-yet-Christians. Give deadline for entry which allows time to review the videos. Set guidelines for length of time and appropriate content. Set order of videos to be shown. Enlist emcees, judges and decide awards to be given. Promote the event on campus. Buy or have refreshments donated (optional). Have paper for students to vote for winner, if student vote is the method to decide winner. 


You will need someone running the photo booth, at least one emcee, judges, and someone serving refreshments.  The films will be shown with introduction of each. The winner can be determined by student vote or by judge decision. The judges will count votes if that is the system used. Otherwise, the judges can make the decision without student votes. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place can be given. Winners are announced at the end and recognized by the emcee. They are given some type of award or certificate.

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