Before School Starts

Arliss Dickerson

I love articles with titles like, “5 Ways to Save $500″….or “3 Ways to Increase Your Brain Power”…or “6 Foods You Can Eat All You Want!”.  Often these are over simple or don’t quite deliver all they seem to promise.  But, they make me think and sometimes I come up with my own list that I think is better.  So, in that vain, here’s “4 Ways….4 Things…and 10 Standards”.


4 Ways to Enlarge Your Ministry

  1. Develop and build an “Invite Mentality” among your core students.
  2. Increase the number of students in “ownership roles” (committees, teams, etc).
  3. Be Freshman specific (Freshman Nite, Freshman Bible study group(s), Freshman Leadership Team).
  4. Create another time for a main event (worship at 7:00 and 9:00).

4 Things to Double Check BEFORE School Starts

  1. Is your website up to date (dates, events, pictures)?
  2. Contact student leaders to make sure they are still available and aware of commitments.
  3. Have you communicated/coordinated with your ministry partners all dates and events (like BCM and churches)?
  4. Have you scheduled a last, long day away with your spouse or family?

10 Core Standards for Discipleship (as developed by the Discipleship Committee of BCNet)

Will these areas be covered in some way in your ministry this school year?
The Inward Disciplines:

  • Prayer
  • Bible Study
  • God’s Will
  • Worship
  • The Gospel

The Outward Disciplines:

  • Evangelism
  • Relationships
  • Missions
  • Transformed Life
  • Connection to the Body (Church)

“5 Ways Arliss Drives Me Crazy”….. We will do that one another day!

Arliss Dickerson
[email protected]

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