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Being a Good Citizen Where You Serve

Katie Troutman

I am the Associate BCM Director at Lander University in Greenwood, South Carolina. For over thirteen years, I have had the unique privilege to serve at my alma mater along with Scott Smith, the BCM Director. Scott has served in this role for decades and I have watched opportunities unfold for campus ministry during my years as a student and being on staff. While we may not always see the fruit now, we can be obedient and faithful to the Lord by the way we serve our campuses. Being a good citizen on your campus means stewarding well what has been entrusted to you. Here are a few ways to be a good citizen where you serve on your local college campus. 

1. You represent Jesus to your campus, so always keep that in mind.

We want to honor Jesus with the way that we interact with others. We are like missionaries who must learn to adapt to the culture in which they are serving. 

2. Walk around campus and get to know students, faculty, and staff.

Let people know who you are by introducing yourself and give them a chance to get to know you. We have a banner sign that hangs in our campus student center that tells who is speaking at BCM, and we change it out each week. While heading there to change it, there is rarely a time when we walk to campus that we do not run into someone we know. This gives us a chance to catch up, ask about any prayer requests, and follow up with them. Find a place on your campus where a lot of people are and find different ways to connect with them.

3. Go to a variety of campus events including athletics, concerts, and other campus activities.

This shows that you care about the students, staff, and school outside of your ministry. We want to meet people where they are, like Jesus did. You will get to know more people in a different way.

4. Follow the rules.

This may be easier for some than others, but administration will be more likely to work with you if you are known for following the rules. You want to become someone that the school trusts. Remember that every school is different, so you will want to know the rules for having an event on campus, posting flyers, serving food or coffee, etc. If you accidentally break a rule, own up to it. That will help you to be seen as a team player and will help with any future collaboration.

5. Take advantage of the opportunities given to you.

These opportunities may come in unexpected ways. Recently, Scott Smith and I were given the opportunity to speak for a few minutes about what BCM does on the Lander campus at the University’s Board of Trustees meeting. You never know what may come from a friendship, volunteer experience, partnership, meeting, or any event if you are open to what God can do through it. 

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:5-6

Are you new to serving in campus ministry, or new to your campus? (3 years or less?) New Campus Ministers Fellowship is having another Zoom call, this Wednesday, October 11th at 10am CST/11am EST. We’ll meet for an hour and the topic is “Rhythms of Rest and Boundaries.” Click here to sign up!

Katie Troutman serves as the Associate Director of the Lander University BCM. You can follow the ministry on Instagram @landerbcm.

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