Located in the Summerlin suburban area of Las Vegas, Nevada, Shadow Hills Church ministers to a wildly diverse community that’s made up of nearly every ethnicity, economic status, and religious background. Shadow Hills Church is celebrating its 50-year anniversary this year, after starting as a small mission church called West Oakey Baptist Church, on what used to be the edge of town. Shadow Hills Church’s college ministry is led by College & Career Pastor, Tony Angelo.
The Shadow Hills Church College Ministry, known as The Pulse, exists to reach college-age young adults in the city of Las Vegas with the good news of the gospel. There are currently 86,254 college-age people who are 95% or more lost, and Shadow Hills Church hopes to make a sizeable dent for God’s kingdom. The college ministry averages 50 college students in its large group gathering, but well beyond 100 in overall attendance. College & Career Pastor Tony Angelo says, “We live and die by #reachingvegas. We have a student leadership team of 10 students, as well as 6 additional multigenerational leaders from within our church.”
The college ministry hosts three weekly events, including Sunday morning Bible Study, which exists to help transform students by the renewing of their mind as they study the Scriptures and answer hard questions related to the world we live in. On Monday nights, students gather for community groups, which exist to shrink the group into Biblical communities that live out the implications of the gospel inwardly and outwardly. Additionally, a large group gathering on Tuesday night exists to preach the gospel and invite college students to repentance and faith in Christ.
There’s also one large monthly event, which serves as a gathering place for reached and not-yet-reached students. “Our students understand that the purpose of these events is to invite the unreached to something more—a relationship with Jesus Christ through the gospel and community through the church,” adds Angelo.
Students also have the opportunity to take part in a 2-week mission trip to Europe with the goal of proclaiming the gospel to North African and Middle Eastern Muslims who have become refugees in foreign countries. This year, the mission team was able to share the gospel with over 200 refugees, inviting them to a relationship with Christ. One man from Eritrea was saved! They are also working on another trip nationally that will exist for the same purpose.
The greatest opportunity for outreach is through the college ministry’s evangelism strategy of gospel appointments. Angelo gives a big shout out to Paul and David Worcester in California for continuing to press forward with the incredible movement of gospel appointments in college ministry. “We are seeing hearts and lives transformed in Vegas through them as well,” he affirms.
Angelo believes that one of the biggest challenges facing college students today is the vast amount of competing voices and the relative silence of the church amid the noise. “They are being told what is true from sources that have very little truth to offer. The culture, the government, the education system, and the convoluted family are all preaching a gospel that leads to disappointment and disillusionment,” he says. Angelo and his team also believe that both Christians and unbelievers are hearing the same voices and must discern truth that is not readily available to them.
When it comes to the most rewarding part of his role, Angelo affirms that it is to watch students not only receive the gospel but to take hold of the great commission. He says, “I have been privileged to witness entire families saved through college students who stepped forward in obedience to share the gospel with them. I believe college students are the greatest missionary force in this world, and when they are overflowing with the grace of God through the gospel, they are unstoppable.” Equipping college saints for the work of ministry has been one of the great joys of his life.
The Shadow Hills Church College Ministry would appreciate your prayers for a goal they’ve set this year of having 100 gospel appointments before the end of 2017. They are more than halfway through this goal, but they ask for continued prayers that God would use these appointments to draw young adults to himself through the power of the gospel. Pray for perseverance and persistence for the Shadow Hills College Ministry students as they continue to press toward the goal. Also, pray for sticky vision as they move into the future for this to continue.
To learn more about Shadow Hills Church College Ministry, visit their website!