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Collegiate Summit

Collegiate Summit is for those doing ministry in the most strategic place on earth – the college campus. Join over 700 other college ministry leaders from around North America in Memphis, TN for the world’s best BBQ and a time of equipping and encouragement in an interactive event setting. Collegiate Summit is the perfect opportunity to renew your vision for ministry and make strategic connections to spur you on.

Collegiate Summit includes main sessions where you will hear insightful talks designed to help you better minister to the unique needs of college students, a variety of breakouts led by experts in an array of fields, and multiple dialogues on various issues affecting collegiate ministry. Collegiate Summit is planned by both church and campus-based collegiate ministry leaders for both church and campus-based collegiate ministry leaders. Don’t miss May 1-3rd, 2024 because Collegiate Summit only happens every three years!



Early Bird

July 1st - Feb 14th


($49 Spouse Rate)


Feb 15th - April 14th


($59 Spouse Rate)


April 15th - May 1st


($69 Spouse Rate)

Childcare is provided to pre-k students free of charge at Collegiate Summit, if you are bringing children, fill out this form by April 15th to secure childcare during Collegiate Summit.

Collegiate Summit, May 1-3, 2024



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Tom is the pastor of Cullman First Baptist Church in North Alabama. Before serving in Alabama, Tom pastored a church in Queens, NYC. Tom is a speaker, husband, father, and ultimate frisbee player of average to moderate ability. Tom will be speaking during Session 1.

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Linda has served in both church-based and campus-based collegiate ministry throughout the nation. Currently, she serves as the Director of Ministry at Pinelake Church in Starkville, MS.

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In 2009 Paul and his wife Christy planted Christian Challenge at California State University, Chico from scratch. Since then hundreds of students have indicated decisions to become followers of Jesus, with many growing as disciples and learning to multiply their faith. Paul is the author of “Tips for Starting a College Ministry”, “Do More With Less Time” and “The Fuel and The Flame: Igniting Your College Campus For Jesus Christ” with Steve Shadrach. In 2020, Paul transitioned out of leadership of Challenge Chico and took on the role as National Collegiate Director for the North American Mission Board. He has a passion for equipping and encouraging fellow collegiate leaders to multiply disciples on campus. Paul is on the team behind Collegiate Collective, Campus Ministry Today and Paul and Christy have two young children Owen and Evelyn that keep them busy.

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Shane serves as the National Next Gen Director for the North American Mission Board (NAMB). He and his wife, Kasi reside in Texas, with their five children. He has been in ministry for over 20 years as a denominational leader, church planter, lead pastor, and student pastor. Shane is also a traveling communicator, evangelist, and Bible teacher. Every year he speaks to over a hundred thousand people about the good news of Jesus Christ. He is the author of two books, 9 Common Lies Christians Believe: And Why God’s Truth Is Infinitely Better and Calling Out the Called: Discipling Those Called to Ministry Leadership, and is also one of the hosts of The Gensend Podcast. 

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Matthew is the BCM Campus Minister at University of Arkansas Pine Bluff, where he has served since January 2023!

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Bill Elliff is the Founding and National Engage Pastor of The Summit Church in North Little Rock, Arkansas. His passion is to see both genuine revival and methodological renewal in the church—both new wine and new wineskins.

He is a frequent conference speaker, writer, and consultant to churches drawing from his 50+ years of pastoring and revival ministry. Bill is also the Pastor/Church Director for OneCry! A Nationwide Call for Spiritual Awakening and the author of twelve books and booklets and numerous articles.

He lives to faithfully and effectively communicate the whole counsel of God to as many people as possible through preaching, writing, church development, and personal equipping that they may become intimate, reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ.

Bill has been married to his wife, Holly, for over 48 years. Holly is a frequent women’s ministry speaker and leader who has been featured on many “Revive Our Hearts” Conferences and radio programs with Nancy DeMoss Wogelmuth. Bill and Holly have 8 children, all married and all serving the Lord. They have 25 grandchildren at present … and counting!

Collegiate Summit 24 After serving on the mission field for more than 20 years, Zane was appointed to serve as the IMB’s vice president for global training in 2014 where he leads the global strategies for healthy church planting, discipleship and theological training.


Large-Ministy Micro-Conf.

On Thurday, there will be a micro-conference hosted by Danniel Harris (Bellevue Baptist Church) and Austin Davis (Pinelake Church) for large church-based college ministries! This conference will be Thursday from 12:30-2:30 and will feature: round-table discussions, whiteboard sessions, best practices, and networking. Additional registration for this session is not necessary, it is included with Collegiate Summit.

For questions regarding Collegiate Summit, contact Ryan Scantling at [email protected]