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August 3-7, 2025

Collegiate Week is for college students and leaders who want to learn to passionately follow Jesus. Through worship, teaching, community and fun you and your group can experience the encouragement you need to kickstart a new year of college. Join thousands of students and leaders from across the US and Canada for 5 days that will change your life and help you be on mission with God.
Collegiate Week 7


Tune in April 1st for our second speaker reveal!

Collegiate Week 8

Tommy Woodard

Better known as “the skit guy with hair,” Tommy has been crafting short films for churches with his lifelong friend Eddie for over two decades. Tommy is also the lead pastor at New Church in Oklahoma City. He is known for his passionate teaching, humor, and ability to clarify scripture into practical life application.

Tommy received a Communications degree from UCO. (Okay…at first, he was going to get an accounting degree, but he failed Accounting 101, and honestly, what idiot would let Tommy do their taxes?) After graduation, Tommy got married and moved to Frisco, Texas, where he served as a youth pastor for 12 years. In 2003, Tommy moved his family back home to Edmond, OK. When he is not at New Church, you can find Tommy traveling with his buddy Eddie.

Tommy has coauthored several books with Eddie, including “Smells Like Bacon,” a guide to lifelong friendship. The duo has also created hundreds of short films used in churches worldwide. The duo’s film “Family Camp” hit theaters nationwide in Spring 2022.

In his spare time, Tommy likes to golf and mow his yard. (He’s pretty boring that way.)
The most important thing in Tommy’s life is his daughter Abby, son Hudson, and his incredible wife of over 30 years – Angie! If you ever want to see his face light up, just ask him to tell you about them! (However, don’t mention the accounting thing…it’s kind of embarrassing!

Collegiate Week 9

Shane Pruitt

Shane serves as the National Next Gen Director for the North American Mission Board (NAMB). He and his wife, Kasi reside in Texas, with their five children. He has been in ministry for over 20 years as a denominational leader, church planter, lead pastor, and student pastor. Shane is also a traveling communicator, evangelist, and Bible teacher. Every year he speaks to over a hundred thousand people about the good news of Jesus Christ.

He is the author of two books, 9 Common Lies Christians Believe: And Why God’s Truth Is Infinitely Better and Calling Out the Called: Discipling Those Called to Ministry Leadership. As well as, a new Bible Study, called Revival Generation: Awakening to a Movement of God. Shane is also one of the hosts of The Gensend Podcast. Follow him on Instagram & Twitter: @shane_pruitt78.

H.B. Charles

H.B. Charles

H.B. Charles, Jr. is the Pastor-Teacher at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church of Jacksonville and Orange Park, Florida, where he has served since the fall of 2008. Charles is primarily responsible for preaching-teaching, vision casting, and leadership development – along with all the other tasks that go along with pastoral ministry. He has authored several books on preaching and pastoral leadership.

Also featuring

Todd Fisher headshot

Todd Fisher

Dr. Todd Fisher serves as the Executive Director-Treasurer for Oklahoma Baptists. He has pastored at Shawnee, Immanuel; Oklahoma City, Highland Hills; Wellston, First; and Bethel Acres, Hopewell. He has been involved in the Southern Baptist Convention on the association, state, and national levels throughout his career serving on committees and boards.

Dr. Fisher is married to Jamy, who speaks at women’s events across the state. They have three children: Zach, an OBU grad, band director for Garber Public Schools in Oklahoma, and is married to Cassidy; Carly, a recent graduate from Mississippi College; and Anna, a student at Choctaw High School.

He has recently served as assistant professor for Christian Preaching at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (2019-2022) and adjunct professor for Oklahoma Baptist University (1999-2021). He also served as adjunct professor for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2005-2018).

Dr. Fisher graduated from Oklahoma Baptist University in 1992 with a BA in Pastoral Ministry, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1996 with an MDivBL, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2001 with a DMin in hermeneutics, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2018 with a ThM in biblical spirituality, and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2018 with a PhD in preaching.

Katie Frugé headshot

Katie Frugé

Katie Frugé is a stomach cancer survivor, special needs parent, amateur baker, professional theologian, and human rights advocate.  She is married to her college sweetheart, and together they love being a “girl family” with three daughters. She has a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology, and her primary area of interest is the image of God and human dignity. Katie serves as Director for the Center for Cultural Engagement & Christian Life Commission for the Baptist General Convention of Texas. In her role, she helps Texas Baptists think Biblically about cultural, moral, and political issues.

Worship Leaders

Cody Dunbar and Matt Roberson leading worship

Cody Dunbar & Matt Roberson

Cody Dunbar was born and raised in Oklahoma! A Sooner fan who grew up in Norman, Oklahoma Cody found his life’s calling to worship ministry. He currently serves as worship pastor at Together We Church in Yukon, Ok. He’s been blessed with a marriage of 15 years to his wife Penny and has a two kids (Scotlyn 8 and Cj 6). For fun you can find Cody casting a line on a good fishing lake!

Matt Roberson felt the call as a worship leader as an 18 year-old and has been pursuing that calling ever since.  He has served in multiple capacities within the local church, and is currently the Lead Pastor of Marlow First Baptist Church.  But the calling to lead others in worship and equip others to do the same has never left.  He also serves as the coordinator for OBU Worship out of Oklahoma Baptist University, his alma mater.  He has been married to Jennifer since 2000, and they have 2 daughters, Chloe and Claire.  He loves baseball, golf, hunting, the OKC Thunder, and sushi!



Early Bird

Feb 1 - May 31



June 1 - July 14



After July 14


Collegiate Week 2021 Schedule

Online Registration is Now Closed.

To register, please email Carissa Jones at [email protected].

Click the button below to make your final payment.

Please Download, Fill Out, and Bring the waivers below to Collegiate Week!


  • Online registration closes Friday, July 23 . No meals or lodging can be added after this date. Group or individuals providing their own meals and lodging can register after July 23rd by contacting Carissa Jones ([email protected] or 405-942-3800 x4519).
  • Registration for children (birth – 5 grade) closes July 1 .
  • Event-related email updates are sent to registered attendees. You must be registered to get these updates.

  • Premium lodge rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. Late registrants will not likely be able to secure a premium lodge room.

  • We recommend registering for your lowest expected number, as there is no penalty for adding more people later.
  • Contact Carissa Jones ([email protected] or 405-942-3800 x4519) to add individuals to an existing registration.
  • Final balances for each group are due on Friday, July 23. No cancelations or refunds will be available after this date.
  • Available cabins can be found on the Falls Creek website ( under “Cabin Info.” For additional assistance, please contact the Falls Creek staff at 580-369-2101.
  • The premium lodge options are hotel/lodge-style rooms. More information can be found here.

  • Pricing on the lodge rooms is based upon level and age of upgrades to each room.