Disaster Relief Needs in the Detroit Area

Detroit and its surrounding cities experienced a devastating flood in August, 2014.  More than 100,000 homes were flooded.  In fact, more homes were flooded in Detroit than were flooded in Katrina.  But you never heard about the disaster.

The Greater Detroit area contains over 4 million people with only about 7% of that population attending any evangelical church.  This area has one of the largest concentrations of Muslims in America. One of the best ways to begin a conversation about Jesus is to begin with unconditional love and one way to show that love is through Disaster Relief.

To assist the Detroit metro area, the North American Mission Board’s Disaster Relief team, in partnership with the Michigan Baptist Convention, will be working to bring help, healing and hope to residents affected by the storm.

Dates for Christmas break and spring break are available now for collegiate groups to come to Detroit to volunteer.  Click HERE for an information sheet with additional details.

Watch this video to learn more about Detroit.

To register click here.

For additional information call 404-719-4461 or email [email protected].

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