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GO2 3


The GO2 Initiative challenges every college student to spend the first two years after graduation living on mission as a part of a church planting team in North America or around the globe.

GO2 Playbook

Utilize this playbook to create a GO2 culture within your college ministry.

Download GO2 Playbook

GO2 Bible Study with 4 Video Sessions

Utilize the GO2 Simulcast content as a four session Bible study. Works great for a month-long emphasis or in a retreat setting.

GO2 Bible Study Guide

Video Session 1

Video Session 2

Video Session 3

Video Session 4

Additional GO2 Resources

Click on the buttons below to explore these individual resources referenced in the GO2 Playbook.

Leadership Development Strategy

A model from Summit Church outlining their process for developing student leaders.

Missions Experience Strategy

A sample of missions experiences embraced by Summit Church to feed their sending pipeline.

Reaching Freshmen

A sample strategy for reaching freshmen during the critical first ten days on campus.

Student Pipeline

A sample visual diagram showing an example from Resonate Church of moving a student from entering freshman to church planter.

Summer Projects Conversation Guide

Tips for encouraging students to consider a summer missions project. This also applies to conversations focused on additional missions experiences beyond just the summer.

Tips on Overcoming Common Student Barriers

Suggestions to help process common barriers that students face when considering missions opportunities (parents, finances, career expectations, etc).