I’m In. Are You?

Keith Wade: Campus Minister at University of North Georgia

My name is Keith Wade and I serve as a campus minister on the campus of University of North Georgia. I also serve as the chairperson for the BCNet Sub-Committee that focus on Missions. As we met this past summer our committee spent time setting goals and trying to develop resources that might be helpful. One goal stuck out: that in five years we would see the number of students reported as ‘summer missionaries mobilized’ would double pre-covid numbers. In 2018-2019, that number reported was 4,051; meaning in five years that number should be 8,102. How amazing would it be seeing over eight thousand college students serving around the world in five years?

Matthew 9:37-38 says, “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” The first step in seeing this goal reached is PRAYER. Right here in this verse Jesus says to pray earnestly for laborers to be called out. Are you praying for laborers to be sent out into the harvest? I truly believe we are on the cusp of a revival happening among this generation. So, with this we developed the phrase “I’M IN.” Meaning that we are committed to praying for laborers but also praying to see if God might be sending us out and getting students to catch the vision of being IN.

Will you join with us we continue to pray earnestly for laborers to be called out? Will you encourage your students to pray earnestly for laborers? Encourage them to begin to pray to see if God is calling them out and to be obedient to go if He is. Working together and praying together for laborers to be called out and sent out, we very well could see the hand of God move among college students.

So, ARE YOU IN, to seeing God move in the lives of college students?

Attached is a prayer template students can use to Pray for….
• The Nations
• Send Cities in North America
• Who’s Your One?

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