Maximizing the Holidays for International Outreach 

Chad and LaDonna Wilkin
Two college women decorate gingerbread houses at a kitchen table at Christmas time.

I’m sure you know that the nations come to the United States to study on our campuses every semester. They are excited to pursue a higher education abroad, and experience American culture close up. Students have all kinds of expectations of making new American friends, visiting American places, and trying American food! However, because it is often easier for them to connect with people like themselves or from other international cultures, they often find it difficult to connect with American students. 

Did you know there are international students who come to the United States for their degree and never get invited into an American home? We can change that during this holiday season! Below are a couple ways we have done this. We hope you will be creative and discover your own ways to connect!

International Thanksgiving:

Our BCM has hosted an international Thanksgiving every year, this will be our eighth year.  We cook a traditional Thanksgiving, dinner, turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, and lots of pies! We invite international students to come and learn about why we celebrate Thanksgiving and what we eat. We have this cute Peanuts video which talks about the pilgrims, fleeing for religious freedom on the Mayflower. Then in small groups at our table we talk about if there was a religion in their family and what that was. We also talk about who they believe Jesus to be? Great conversations have happened. We have even had professors from other countries join us with their families. Great opportunities to connect in table fellowship with good food! 

Christmas Tour: 

Why not open your home to a Christmas tour?  International students love the decorations. Don’t forget to tell them about the Nativity and what it means to you! Share a meal? A cookie exchange? International students love to share their cuisine. Why not have a potluck? Or games and appetizers? 

Welcome international students into your home, into your life, into your heart and into a relationship with Jesus!

Chad and LaDonna Wilkin are Co-Directors at the Indiana State University BCM.

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