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Missions Fundraising Made Simple

Jessica Jiang
Group of college students pose for a picture in Times Square while on a mission trip

Are you familiar with the phrase “Where God guides, God provides”? Maybe some of us are too familiar with this phrase – to the point that we overlook the Scriptural truth of this statement. In Matthew 6, Jesus taught his disciples to not worry about their needs and how they would be met. Using the example of birds not storing food away for coming days, he says “and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26). Then Jesus gifts the disciples this promise: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:33-34). What a promise to which we can cling! We must wrestle with this truth ourselves, and then encourage students to rely on the Lord for provision as they live on mission, whether they’re graduating and figuring out next steps or fundraising for a missions opportunity. 

Here are a few simple missions fundraising tips:

  • Share about your missions opportunity on social media. If security allows for your missions location, briefly describe why you’re going, how you’ll be serving, and what amount you need to raise. List ways others can support you, and be specific as to how others can donate funds (make it as easy as possible!)
  • Go “old school” and mail a fundraising letter to family and friends. Personalize this letter as much as possible, but don’t write a novel. You could include a current picture of yourself and a Scripture that has encouraged you to take this next step. Ask someone to proofread your letter before mailing it to ensure that you’ve communicated clearly. 
  • Let someone on staff at your church know where you’ll be serving, and share your fundraising letter with him/her. Ask if it might be possible to share about your missions opportunity with a Sunday School class, Bible study group, or Women on Mission group (if your church has one). Offer to share what you learned when you return. 
  • Sell t-shirts. Everyone loves a good t-shirt. Plus, the shirts will remind people to pray for you as you serve!
  • Utilize your gifts and talents. What do you do well or enjoy doing? Create arts and crafts, bake desserts or cook meals, or offer to do yard work or other service projects to raise funds. Be sure to communicate how you plan to fundraise – you never know who might be interested in supporting you! 
  • Do some research and see if there’s a restaurant in your area that might be willing to donate a percentage of sales collected from one day or night. 

Below is a copy of the sample fundraising letter we share with our students, to help get them started.

Jessica Jiang is the Collegiate Missions Specialist for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board. Follow Send Tennessee Missions on Instagram @send_tn.

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