Our missions online job board is a portal for ministries and volunteers to connect. CollegeMinistry.com does not screen or assign volunteers and does not endorse any ministry over another. This is a service made possible by the Baptist Collegiate Network and is only available to ministries that meet the criteria and agree to the expectations outlined below. It is the responsibility of the ministries requesting volunteers through CollegeMinistry.com to vet any volunteers according to their own concerns, insurance, and legal rules. Likewise, it is the responsibility of the volunteers to vet the requesting ministries according to their own personal concerns. Suggested due diligence actions for ministries and volunteers can be downloaded below. Email [email protected] for additional questions.
Criteria for being included in the Missions Job Board
To submit a project request, a requesting ministry or supervisor must meet one of the following 3 criteria:
- A church, church plant or ministry affiliated with a local Southern Baptist Association, State Convention, The Southern Baptist Convention in the United States or, the Canadian National Baptist Convention.
- A North American Mission Board or Send Relief Missionary.
- An International Mission Board missionary serving in North America.
Expectations for supervisors included in the Missions Job Board
- Provide meaningful ministry assignments for volunteers. A meaningful ministry is understood to be primarily outreach, evangelism, or discipleship.
- Provide supervision throughout the term of service that is encouraging, nurturing, and discipleship oriented. Supervisors must have a desire to disciple and mentor students. Students want to be taught and challenged to share their faith, memorize and apply the Bible, and see leaders living out a genuine, authentic faith in Jesus.
- Accountability. Supervisors should be accountable to a Southern Baptist church, state convention, association, mission agency or a board of directors. In the project request form, please supply sufficient explanation of how the supervisor is accountable to one of the entities mentioned above.
- Submit a completed Missions Request Form, including a full written description of the ministry plans for the student(s) with specific information regarding the work that will be done and any special skills that will be needed.
- Provide a housing option for student volunteers that is healthy and wholesome, taking into account the gender and age of the students requested.
Role and responsibilities of CollegeMinistry.com in providing the Missions job listings
- All projects listed on the Missions web page will be screened and approved by the Missions coordinator, BCNet Missions Committee, and the Baptist Collegiate State Directors officers.
- CollegeMinistry.com is only providing a place for ministries and potential volunteers to connect.
- CollegeMinistry.com accepts no responsibility for matching volunteers to particular projects.
- CollegeMinistry.com cannot guarantee a request can be filled.
- Volunteers who utilize the CollegeMinistry.com Missions web page bear all the responsibility for contacting the ministry contact and working out the details of service, including all financial arrangements.