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Someone once said that prayer walking is praying onsight with insight. It’s one thing to “know” about a campus, but it is another thing to walk where students walk and see what students see. This is a guide to give you some suggestions of things to pray. There are going to be a variety of needs and things that come up on a prayer walk. As you go out on campus, don’t become so intent on speaking to God that you miss that God might be asking you to interact with people. There might be people the Lord asks you to approach and pray for on the spot. On the flip side, don’t become so distracted with people that you never talk to God. Let the Lord guide your time on campus. Below are suggestions of some things to pray. Feel free to tailor this to fit your campus and group.

Helpful Things to Have

  • A map of campus
  • A journal to write down prayer requests and things the Lord tells you
  • Your Bible
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Something to drink/snack
  • It’s ok to pack all of these in a backpack. It might just help you blend in better!

What if God answered every prayer your prayed on your prayerwalk? How would that change how you prayed? Don’t leave room to ever be accused of praying too small to a big God!


Find a place that overlooks campus or a main hub where students gather (student union, green space, library, etc)

  • Ask God what’s his vision for this campus. What does the Lord want to see happen on this campus?
  • Write down you answers. Let this be your framework for praying.

As you walk campus you can pray for these things.


  • Pray that students would hear and respond to the gospel.
  • Pray that students’ hearts would be receptive.
  • Romans 10:13, 2 Timothy 2:3-4, John 3:16

Existing Christians

  • They would rise up and walk in faith, devoted to the word of God.
  • The prodigals would return home.
  • They would be filled with the Holy Spirit and share their faith.
  • Romans 1:16, Philemon 1:6, Matthew 28:18-20,

Campus Administration

  • Pray for Campus Admin to be receptive to the gospel.
  • Pray that Campus Admin would lead with wisdom.
  • Jeremiah 29:7, 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Existing Ministries

  • There wouldn’t be a spirit of competition, but cooperation among them.
  • They would be captivated by making disciples instead of settling with just drawing students
  • They would devote themselves to the word of God.
  • 2 Timothy 2:2, Acts 2:42

Residential Halls

  • Pray for Christian students living in the dorms to have courage and boldness.
  • Pray that there would be a gospel presence on every floor.
  • Pray for the RAs living and leading in the dorm that they would have wisdom and direction from God.
  • Deut. 6:4-8, Acts 2:37-41

Student Center/Student Hangouts

  • Pray that a large number of students would enter the Kingdom of God.
  • Pray for the Student Life department and the Student Organizations on campus. Ask that there would be a dynamic, gospel presence there.
  • Pray for the gospel appointments that happen there. Pray for divine appointments like Philip and the Ethiopian.
  • Acts 8:26-27, Acts 14:27


  • What are some things that you heard the Lord say on your prayer walk.?
  • What surprised you about your time on campus?
  • In order to see the gospel move forward on this campus what is the next step?

Sometimes we treat the campus like the Jews treated Samaria in Jesus’ day. We intentionally go around it.

Now that you’ve walked campus and experienced it, who do you need to bring with you back to campus?

Who do you need to invite to prayer walk campus with you the next time?

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