Prayer Walking Your Campus: Ideas and Insights

Young men and women gathered together while prayer walking

There were about a dozen of us that gathered together wondering what we were going to do this new year. We had lost our campus staff due to support raising shortages leaving us students to run the ministry on campus. Thankfully our staff had been impressing upon us the power and necessity of prayer so we formulated a plan. We were going to pray all night for our campuses (we came from multiple schools near each other), but it wasn’t going to be us sitting around in a quiet room. We agreed we would march around the entire campus 7 times, praying silently the first 6 and out loud on the 7th. It was the night before freshmen move-in when we began and our heart’s prayer was for a bumper crop of freshmen in our ministry. We weren’t concerned that there were no staff to guide us. We were confident and bold and trusted in the Lord, our staff had taught and prepared us well. As we finished up that 7th round of prayer we gathered in front of one of the dorms looking at the city stretched out below us and the mountains in the distance and began to see the first rays of light of the morning warming the sky and we sang praises to our God. Over the next few weeks we saw the faithfulness of God to hear and answer our prayers as we saw the largest group of freshmen join the ministry we could remember in our time as students. – Shaun Stotyn, Director of The Vine Campus Ministry at University of Vermont and Vermont State Collegiate Coordinator

My friends, prayer works, no matter where you are or the position you are in: “The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.”(James 5:16b). But today we thought it would be valuable to focus on putting feet to our prayers in prayer walking with a compilation of stories and ideas meant to inspire you to go out and pray for your campuses.

  • Samm Hawes is the Associate Director of the UT Knoxville BCM. Here, she shares some very useful and practical ideas to remember when organizing a prayer walk. You can follow the BCM’s ministry on Instagram @UTKBCM.
  • “Out of desperation, I researched ministries who had effectively reached their communities with the gospel. Regardless of the denomination, church, or ministry, all of them shared a common priority: prayer.” Noah Jaeger is the Launch Catalyst for Christian Challenge in Arizona. Here, he shares how incredibly impactful prayer walking was to his ministry. You can reach Noah at [email protected].
  • Prayer walking can yield amazing results! Read Meg Craig’s story (director of San Antonio BSM), and see how God used prayer walking to transform her calling and ministry.

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