Preparing International Students as they Graduate or Transfer 

International students pose with life jackets on.

As we befriend international students, inevitably they will graduate or transfer on to another college. Here are some suggestions on how to prepare them as they leave:

1.) Prepare them to be alert for facing culture shock as they leave their current college. If they go back home, they will have experienced change and it may take some adjustment being back home. If they transfer to another college, they will have another setting that most likely will not be like the college they are leaving. Help them be aware that all colleges are not the same.

2.) If they are an unbeliever, share the gospel with them and give them a way to access the Bible (an actual Bible or on through an app – the NLT is a good translation for international students). Even if you have already shared the gospel with them, it is good to share one more time.

3.) For Christians leaving, cast the vision for them to see the need to share Christ with people where they will be going – whether back home or another college.

4.) Help them give away any items they have accumulated but cannot take with them.

5.) Find ways to stay connected – there are many ways available – what’s app or Signal. Get their contact info and make plans to keep in touch. If you use Signal as a communication method, have the students download the app before leaving the country. Be aware that Facebook and Instagram may not work in their home country.

6.) For students transferring to another college, you can find out where the students can find Christian community.  ACMI (Association of Christians Ministering Among Internationals) has ACMI Link which gives info on Christian groups on various campuses. To access the Link you need to be a member of ACMI. Here is info on ACMI – If you decide to become a member, you will need an endorsement and you can contact Teresa Royall at [email protected] for this endorsement. You can also email Teresa who has access to our Baptist ISM workers and can try to find a BCM at the college where the student is going.

7.) For students going home IMB can sometimes find someone on the field who can connect with the returning student. You can contact John Barnett at [email protected].

8.) Celebrate their time with you before they go. You can do a special time of recognition and memory sharing one-on-one or in a group setting. Find out ways to pray for them and to encourage them as they go.

This information was discussed on last month’s International Student Ministry Call. If you have international students on your campus, you can greatly benefit from these calls! The next one is “Change: How can we face it well?” Join us at Thursday, April 11 at 2 pm ET. Sign up at

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