Reach International Students, Reach the World

Teresa Royall
Group of people eating a meal together at a restaurant

International students are on our campuses this fall and in large numbers – one million studying in the U.S.  These students represent countries from all over the world, many of which are from countries where we could not openly share the Gospel. 

As fall approaches, it is good to develop a plan to reach out and befriend internationals. They have many needs: adjusting to a new culture, transportation, friendship, and an understanding of who Jesus really is. 

Here are some steps for to consider as you plan:

  1. Find ways to make contact with students. The international office on campus can be a gateway to connecting with international students.  Making contact with leaders of international clubs can also help in meeting international students.
  2. Find events where internationals will gather – attend these events and make international friends.
  3. Plan an outreach event that internationals might enjoy – an outing to a local attraction or a meal at a BCM/BSM center or in a home. Then invite internationals to come. Avoid pork or beef entrees as these meats can be  offensive for some students.
  4. Offer English classes to students who need extra help with English.
  5. Enlist families to host students for meals throughout the semester.
  6. Plan holiday events where internationals are invited.
  7. Take time to get to know internationals, learning about their culture, family, dreams, and needs.
  8. Let students know of the importance of your faith in Christ as you naturally have conversations.
  9. Pray for ways to connect and ways to share Christ with international students.
  10. Enlist a team of students and church volunteers who commit to engage with and care for internationals.

I have found that international students are some of the easiest to befriend and also very grateful for friendship. I have also discovered that many internationals have misunderstandings about Christianity and what it really means to follow Christ.  So, sharing life, friendship, and conversation can help internationals see the grace and truth of Jesus. 

The steps above are just suggestions and not all inclusive. You may want to be more educated on more ways to relate to internationals and how to best reach them. Here are some resources I suggest you check out – they provide excellent information.

  1. Every International | (You will need to create a free account to access webinars, etc.)
  2. Arkansas Go2 International Student Ministry |
  3. Association of Christians Ministering Among Internationals (ACMI) |
  4. Reaching Internationals |

Teresa Royall is a Campus Expansion Consultant in Georgia. You can email her at [email protected]

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