Realign Your Heart: An Evangelism Evaluation Tool

Devon Bartholomew, Bill Morrison, Lindsey Rains, Miriam Rainwater, Mark Whitt, Paul Worcester (BCNet Evangelism Committee 2021)


At a conference for collegiate leaders in early 2021, one of the speakers asked a question of the crowd, prompting a raising of hands. “How many of you have spent time with a non-Christian in the past six weeks?” Only a third of the room raised their hands. I (Miriam) felt myself suck in my breath in shock. I was among nearly three hundred vocational ministers, and only one hundred of them had spent time with a non-believer in six weeks?! I was overwhelmed with emotion thinking, How did we get here? 

I don’t for one moment believe over two hundred campus ministry leaders purposely intended to not spend time with a non-Christian in six weeks. I know so many who deeply love Jesus and students! But if we’re not intentional, life’s busyness sweeps us up into its frantic pace and we get so wrapped up doing good things for Christian students that we forget the multitude of students on campus who do not yet know Christ. 

As members of the 2021-22 BCNet Evangelism Committee gathered a month later, we came together around the question How we might help our fellow campus ministers (and ourselves!) be more intentional with evaluating the evangelistic temperature of our ministries? This is our humble offering–a collection of questions we’ve used to help us realign within our own ministries. We hope it aids you in abounding in the work of the Lord! “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and the steadfastness of Christ.” (2 Thes. 3:5)


We suggest that you use this tool regularly, whether that is monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or at the end of each semester. Choose a pace that will both not be an added burden but also keep you and your team focused. I (Miriam) serve in Oregon where our universities run on a quarterly system; I spend one full work day during finals week each quarter in a quiet place, reflecting on questions meant to help refocus us across a variety of areas in ministry, some of which appear here alongside some of my colleagues’ excellent questions (which I look much forward to beginning to use going forward!). This practice has been indispensable to me! 

We recommend that you give each member of your staff team this reflective time regularly, as well, and then that you devote time to sharing your answers with each other and using your answers to direct your individual and collective goals. We also encourage you to supply your student leaders with the student version of this tool and go over their answers either as a group in Lead Team meeting or individually within discipleship. 

Remember that all of the three categories are important, but we especially exhort you to sit longer with those under “Questions of the Heart.” Jesus says in Luke 6:45,  “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” May these questions stir your affections for Christ first so your leadership may be a joyous overflow!

An Evangelism Evaluation Tool (Campus Staff Version)


  • Has there been a specific temptation or sin that has clouded my evangelistic focus (busyness, resistance, addiction, unforgiveness, pride, etc.)? How can I bring this into the light?
  • Is there any place in my leadership where I am acting as if I believe that God is not good? What caused this drift and how will I fill these spaces with Truth?
  • How have I invested my Sabbaths this past semester, celebrating them as gifts from God, crucial to both my personal wellbeing and the longevity of my personal gospel witness? What days am I setting aside on my calendar next term, and how will I invest them? 
  • How is God delighting in me today? How can I keep this on the forefront of my mind so evangelism stems from an overflow of awe and a returned delight in Him? 


  • Who am I regularly walking with closer toward Jesus? What am I celebrating in each of those relationships? What am I praying for in each of those relationships over the next semester?
  • When was the last time I shared the gospel with someone who does not follow Jesus? 
  • Where am I intentionally going to place myself among non-Christians? What are my connection points in those places and are they effective in connecting me with people for gospel conversations? If not, what should I change? If so, what am I celebrating? 
  • Within what people groups on campus does our ministry have gospel presence? What unengaged people groups am I regularly praying to connect with? What doors have I seen open this term toward those people groups and what practical steps have I taken? How can I act on the Spirit’s movement going forward?


  • Who am I taking with me and training when I share the gospel? 
  • What have I communicated to my students about my personal relationship with the Lord this term? Are there any adjustments I need to make in order to communicate effectively how the goodness of the gospel continues to transform believers throughout our lives? 
  • What am I constantly communicating to those I lead about our evangelism strategy and steps toward multiplication? 

An Evangelism Evaluation Tool (Student Version)


  • Has there been a specific temptation or sin that has clouded my evangelistic focus (busyness, resistance, addiction, unforgiveness, pride, etc.)? How can I bring this into the light?
  • Is there any place in my life where I am acting as if I believe that God is not good? What caused this drift and how will I fill these spaces with Truth?
  • How have I invested my Sabbaths this past semester, celebrating them as gifts from God, crucial to both my personal wellbeing and the longevity of my personal gospel witness? What days am I setting aside on my calendar next term, and how will I invest them? 
  • How is God delighting in me today? How can I keep this on the forefront of my mind so evangelism stems from an overflow of awe and a returned delight in Him? 


  • Who am I regularly walking with closer toward Jesus? What am I celebrating in each of those relationships? What am I praying for in each of those relationships over the next semester?
  • When was the last time I shared the gospel with someone who does not follow Jesus? 
  • Where am I intentionally going to place myself among non-Christians? What are my connection points in those places and are they effective in connecting me with people for gospel conversations? If not, what should I change? If so, what am I celebrating? 
  • Within what people groups on campus does our ministry have gospel presence? What unengaged people groups am I regularly praying to connect with? What doors have I seen open this term toward those people groups and what practical steps have I taken? How can I act on the Spirit’s movement going forward?


  • What training and mission’s trips have I invested in to develop my evangelism skills? How can I make or continue to make this investment a priority in my spiritual development?
  • Who am I taking with me and training when I share the gospel? 
  • What questions do I have about my faith that make me hesitant about sharing the gospel? Who can I ask those questions in order to explore and strengthen my faith?

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