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Sample Student Organization Constitution

Constitution of _________ Student Organization


The name of this organization will be ________________. This organization is a not-for-profit organization.


A. _______________is a ministry for college students with many opportunities for friendship, growth, service and leadership. It serves students at ________________ College and the greater collegiate community through Christian teaching, nurture, outreach, and activities. The purpose of this ministry is to create a place of belonging for the students of _______________ College as well as a place where they can learn and grow in their relationship with God.
B. This purpose will be carried out through a regular program of worship, Bible study,
prayer, retreats, luncheons, banquets, mission projects, recreation, social activities and
outreach events. Relationships will be created and deepened through these activities and weekly meetings.


A. Membership in the organization is open to all currently enrolled ________________
College students. Non-students, spouses, faculty, and staff may be associate members;
however, they may not vote or hold office. All members and associate members are free to leave and disassociate at any time without fear of retribution, retaliation, or harassment.
B. This organization will not discriminate against any student on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, creed, age, disability, marital status, political opinions or affiliations, or veteran status.
C. Membership dues are not required for students to be a part of this organization.


Community Responsibilities
The organization recognizes that it is a part of the __________ College community and the communities of ___________ Counties, and as such, the students involved in this organization are subject to the rules and regulations set forth in the current student handbook, as well as national, state and city laws. As students, participants realize that they represent the College at any time they are involved in official organization functions on or off campus, and agree to do so in a responsible manner.


A. No fees, dues, assessments, donations or other charges are levied for membership in the organization. __________________ underwrites program budget, salaries, and organizational expenses. Fees for retreats, study materials, conferences, sports activities, banquets, etc. may be charged to participants on a cost recovery basis. Free will offerings are received for mission projects and special activities.
B. The organization will have a treasurer designated as the party responsible for finances.


The organization will have one director. At the Director’s discretion (and as budgeting
permits) the Director may appoint an Associate Director.
1. The Director (or the Associate Director) will work with the Faculty Adviser to select
and appoint the leadership team for the organization.
2. The Director (or the Associate Director) will be informed of events and activities
in partnership with student leadership and the Faculty Adviser.
3. The Director (or the Associate Director) will communicate as necessary with
Student Government to ensure compliance with all pertinent rules.


A. This organization will have at least one member of the College faculty or
administration serve as an adviser.
B. Duties and responsibilities of the Adviser(s)
1. Be available to students for consultation, advice, counsel, and as a resource.
2. Communicate regularly with the Director and President.
3. Sign appropriate budget and event paperwork.
4. Perform eligibility checks on Student Leadership and inform ineligible members of
their status.
5. Remove ineligible leadership from their position.
6. Be familiar with College Rules and policies pertaining to student organizations.
7. Keep open lines of communication with the College on matters of concern regarding the organization.
C. Adviser Selection
The Director (or Associate Director) will meet with and decide to appoint any faculty
member who would be willing to be the adviser and whom the students have
recommended as a prospective adviser.
D. Adviser Removal
1. The Student Leadership may vote to remove an adviser by a majority. The vote may
not take place until one week after the adviser is informed of the group’s intent and one week after the College is notified.
2. All activities at __________College will cease immediately if an adviser is removed
prior to having another adviser approved by both the Director and the Student


Student Leadership
A. The officers of this organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Senator. Additional positions may be created, filled or canceled at the discretion of the officers provided the Director and Adviser are informed and approve. In the event that there are not enough students to fill each of the officer positions, the Director may choose to leave the positions vacant and distribute the duties of these positions to students affiliated with the organization or to other officer positions.
B. Each officer must be a registered and enrolled student with a GPA of 2.0 or above during the entire term of office and at time of election. Incoming freshmen (those who have not previously attended a post-secondary institution or have no existing SFC grade point average) shall be exempt from the following qualifications requirements during the first academic semester in office or until a cumulative SFC grade point average has been established.
C. General requirements for Officers include:
1. Must be an active student.
2. Must have >2.0 GPA.
3. Must be a Christian and have an active church membership.


Student Leadership Appointment
The Director and Adviser will meet to select each member of the leadership team (Officers). This may take place at any point when a vacancy needs to be filled.


Duties of Officers
1. Plan and preside over meetings of the Student Leadership team.
2. Plan events and activities along with the rest of the leadership team.
3. Serve as the liaison between the organization and the administrative offices.
4. Communicate regularly with the Director (or Associate Director) and Adviser.
5. Ensure that this constitution and the laws of the student body are faithfully executed.
6. Perform any administrative power or duty not provided for in this constitution.
Vice President
1. Exercise presidential duties in absence of the President.
2. Assume presidential office upon vacancy.
3. Assist the Director (or Associate) and President with administrative duties.
4. Make sure event registration forms and program report forms are completed.
5. Communicate regularly with Adviser.
1. Keep complete and accurate financial records of organizational funds.
2. Sign requisitions for organization funds.
3. Prepare the annual budget request packet with the president.
4. Report to the President.
1. Represent the organization at all Student Senate meetings.
2. Take notes of Senate business and discussion that affects the organization.
3. Communicate Student Senate business to leadership.
4. Report to the President.
1. Take minutes at leadership meetings.
2. Assist the President in contacting participants, notifying them of upcoming events.
3. Assist the President in coordinating leadership meetings.
4. Research, promote and organize service projects for the campus and for the
surrounding community.
5. Create and update Facebook events.
6. Encourage members on the leadership team.
7. Maintain complete and accurate records of all organization meetings.
8. Report to the President.


Vacancy of Office
In the event that a leadership position becomes vacant, the remaining leadership, Director and Adviser will meet to select a participant to fill that position. In the event the position can not be filled, the duties of that office will be delegated to the remaining leadership. If the President’s position becomes vacant, the Vice-President will fill that vacancy.


Removal of Officers
A. Grounds for removal of an officer include:
1. Violation of University policy.
2. Violation of the ________ College student code of conduct.
3. Failure to perform the duties of the office as set forth in the constitution and bylaws
of the organization.
4. Failure to uphold the provisions of this constitution and bylaws.
5. Any leadership team member (Officer) may be removed for abuse of power, or
conviction of a criminal offense while in office.
B. An Officer will be removed at the discretion of the Adviser and Director (or
Associate Director) upon recommendation by the other leadership team members.


A. After deliberation of proposed amendments it shall be tabled until the next meeting, at which time it will be brought up for vote. A 2/3 majority will be required to pass amendments.
B. Any amendments will be added following Article XV. If there is a change of earlier
articles, they will supersede the previous conditions. There is no need to continually change the document.


Hierarchy of Law- The provisions of this Constitution are governed by and subordinate to the constitution and laws of the State of __________– as well as the policies of the Board of Trustees, ___________ College, and the Student Body Constitution.
Authorized signatures:

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