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Taste The World

Miriam Rainwater, Northwest Collegiate Ministries’ (NCM) Director, Portland State University

One of our desires as a BCNet Evangelism Committee is to provide collegiate directors with ideas for evangelism on their campus. We have provided ideas in four categories: First Contact, Conversational Outreach, Community Integration, and Gospel Proclamation. We hope that the following Conversational Outreach event will be useful to you and your students!


If you’re having fun in the middle of campus, students are bound to be drawn to come join in the fun! To host Taste the World, you will need the following:

  • Candy from your local international food stores (the more variety the better!)
  • Sign that communicates liability of the student trying the candy, as they may contain allergens that students are allergic to. As an example, our campus has us print one that says: “In participating in this event, I hereby acknowledge and assume the risk associated with my voluntary participation in student organized functions where food products may be provided by participants/students. I assume full responsibility for my health and wellbeing and for any bodily injury or illness associated with the consumption of any such food products. I further indemnify and hold harmless Northwest Collegiate Ministries and Portland State University and its agents, trustees, employees, staff and faculty from any claims or causes of actions that I may have which arise from my participation and consumption of food products at any such event. I acknowledge that the event is not organized by PSU and that PSU has no involvement in the preparation of or handling of these food products.”
  • Food handler’s license
  • Tablecloth and runner with organization logo
  • Napkins
  • Spoons
  • Gloves
  • Small cups or snack-sized ziplock baggies to be filled with candy of student’s choice
  • Jars for candy that is not prepackaged
  • Bowls for pre-packaged candy
  • Flyers with term events
  • Printed Instagram QR code so students can follow your ministry


Before the event, purchase your candy and supplies, print and set up your table with clear signs, create a hospitable environment, and attach flyers to baggies or cups so every student leaves with a clear way to follow up with your ministry. 


Ask students which candies they would like to try and fill their cup/baggy as you chat with them. Ask them “what is your favorite country besides your country of origin and why?” Share funny travel stories. Have several people filling candy cups so that if you’re not finished talking when you’re finished filling that you can step away from the table and chat while someone else steps up to serve the next individual. 

If candy is not pre-wrapped, have spoons for scooping and wear gloves when you put them into student’s cups/bags. 


  • Share the photos on Instagram with a specific hashtag related to your ministry! 
  • Consider partnering with international student organizations for this event!
  • Have fun facts on hand about the cultures that the candies represent.
  • Consider pairing this with a follow-up event specifically intended to communicate your ministry’s values of diverse friendships and inclusion of the nations! 
  • Invite international churches in your area to bring volunteers to this event to engage students in line, serve candy, etc.

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