Update from the BCNet Church Based Team

The Church Based Team works to mobilize and resource local church leadership in ministering to college students, and to provide church ministry & campus ministry (BCM, BSU, BSM, etc.) partnership models and opportunities.church pew

Those serving on the team include:

Zach Allen – College Minister, First Baptist Church, Tallahassee, FL – Chairman

Christian Anders – Minister to Collegiates & Twenty-Somethings, Istrouma Baptist, Baton Rouge, LA

Jeff Jones – Director, University of Memphis BCM, Memphis, TN

Robin Prichard – Minister to College Students, Calvary Baptist, Lexington, KY

Steve Maltempi – Student & College Lead Associate, Southern Baptist of Texas Convention, Grapevine, TX

Steve Masters – Director, Louisiana State University BCM, Baton Rouge, LA

A few highlights from the Church Based Team’s focus in the past year includes:

  • Help tackle the transitional process that can sometimes seem like a large chasm between graduating out high school seniors & getting them involved & invested in a church when going off to college. A few resources that have been helpful in this process have been the addition of partner churches to the BCM Life website. Churches can be added to this website that lets students & families know of churches that are actively engaged in ministering to college students. This website is searchable by college/university or location.
  • Steve Masters has also initiated a couple of programatic resources to engage high school & college students in the discipleship process of giving back to the church that has been investing in them & creating a culture of reproducible disciple-making.
  • Team reps from Kentucky, Louisiana & Florida are all working on creating a one-day College Metro conference for their specific states to help gather leaders that work with college students for several hours to resource, dialogue & encourage those that serve & minister to college students within their states.

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