Update from the BCNet Missions Team

The Global missions team works to mobilize and resource college students and college ministers to spread the Gospel locally, throughout the United States and the world through missions service and ministry to and with International students on our campuses.

Those serving on the team include:

  • Bill Collins, BCM Director, Northwestern State University, Louisiana
  • Mel Cruikshank, National University Ministry Leader, Canadian National Baptist Convention
  • Melody Harper, Global Studies Department Chair & Assistant Professor, Liberty University, Virginia
  • Mike Lopez, Director, IMB Student Mobilization
  • Chris Mills, Associate Director, Collegiate and Student Ministries, Alabama Baptist Convention
  • Clarissa Morrison, Collegiate Missions Consultant, Georgia Baptist Convention–Team Chairperson
  • Bit Stephens, Campus Minister, Metro BCM, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
  • Chad Stillwell, IMB Student Mobilization
  • Steve Turner, NAMB, Generation Send
  • Dean Whittaker, KBC Campus Missionary and University of the Cumberlands Director of Campus Ministries
  • Kim Wilson, Campus Minister, California University of Pennsylvania

A few highlights from the Global Missions Team’s focus in the past year include:

  • The OneLife Campus Connect initiative is a grassroots effort to raise student awareness and advocacy fo One Life global causes. Students on multiple campuses have raised awareness and funding through simulation of various causes including clean water, orphans, refugees, human trafficking, and slavery.  In October, students from New England, Florida and Georgia raised more than $16,000 to open a bakery that will employ formerly exploited women in a major Chinese city through the Slavery To Scones project.  High school students in California donated $6000 to repair water pumps in Northern India, providing water access in more than 700 village locations. 217 California students participated in a mile-long ‘walk for water’, carrying heavy bottles of water and raising awareness for the cause. The BCM at University of Central Florida organized a campus-wide campaign to stop human trafficking. Additional Campus Connect events are planned for the spring semester.
  • The TenTwo prayer emphasis used mass texting to send out text notices to encourage students and leaders to pray Luke 10:2 leading up to the Engage24 evangelism emphasis in October. …“The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.   Luke 10:2(NLT).  The prayer emphasis was that God would call out students to “serve on mission” and to commit to share their faith as part of Engage24.  Approximately 3000 texts were sent out.
  • A Welcoming the Nations Social Media Intern position has been created, in partnership with IMB Students, to enhance the web presence of International Student Ministries.  This intern will be responsible for maintaining the website, www.welcomingthenations.com and develop a strategy for using social media.  A candidate for the job is scheduled to be interviewed in the coming weeks.

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