Welcoming the Nations Month and Training!!


Our Global Missions Team of the Baptist Collegiate Network (BCnet) would like to inform/remind you that September ‘13 is Welcoming The Nations Month!

There are more than 750,000 international students studying on North American college campuses and many are from some of the most unreached areas on the planet!

Representatives from our Southern Baptist entities are working together as a part of BCNet to help our churches and campus ministries to be encouraged and equipped in Welcoming The Nations that have come to us with the love and Good News of Jesus.

Please encourage your teams to dream about ways to reach/continue to reach international students and visit our website, WelcomingTheNations.com , for resources to help encourage and equip you, your students, and church members!

A Welcoming the Nations training event may be coming to your region in the 2013-14 school year! Visit WelcomingTheNations.com/training for more details and to register.

Training Events:

Clinton, Mississippi – October 12, 2013

Cookeville, TN – November 2, 2013

Seattle, Washington – March 1, 2014

Arlington, Texas – Spring 2014

Boston, Massachusetts – Spring 2014


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